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My Story

I’m passionate about holistic health and believe that every aspect of a person; mind, body and spirit, can benefit from receiving massage therapy.

I work in a very remedial sense, and although the aim is relaxation; I focus on pain relief and prevention.

I find working with clients on an individual level extremely rewarding, and enjoy incorporating advice on soft tissue flexibility and well-being.

I believe that massage should be available to everyone on a regular basis, and to make that possible I try to make my prices reflect that.


My Approach

I like the word holistic, although recognise that many people object to its holiness; indeed, I know some practitioners who insist in spelling the word wholistic. To my mind, the significance of the word whole in this context is that I not only work with the whole client but also I bring the whole of myself to the massage situation. Massage in essence is about sensitive communication through the medium of touch. At the moment of placing my hand on a client’s body, a range of physiological responses can occur, affecting the skin, the sensory nerve receptors, the muscle tissue, the circulation of blood and lymph, the ease of movement of joints, the digestion and so on. My skill as a holistic massage therapist, varying the depth, speed and intention involved in the touch, helps to determine which response occurs.

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